Hello readers...
I just got back, earlier today, from a ramble up to the wide open spaces of our Northerly Neighbor, the great land of Canada. I traveled across the border in my friend's old red SUV, with 3 other people. We are all from the same home town, but we met up with some other people from UVM once we got to Montreal.
We drove up, found the hotel that we had made reservations at and then walked the city, in search of food... and drink. We found both of these necessities just a few blocks from our hotel and eventually we found our comrades in arms on the very same block as our hotel.
In my opinion, making a trip to Montreal is a worthwhile endeavor. I only stayed for one night, and I know that a lot of the people who go will stay for two, like a friday-saturday deal. Two nights may have been fun, but the one downside is that you have to spend a lot of money on food and the hotel room... All in all though, I didn't spend any more money than I thought I would, and if you split the cost of a hotel room with three or four other people it's not that expensive. I do recommend making a trip there, but it's probably not the type of thing that you would do very often (unless you are pretty affluent).
The trip only took about an hour and a half to get from the UVM campus to Montreal, which I didn't think was too bad at all. It was weird for me to think that it's between 3 and 4 times longer to get back to my home in Massachusetts than it is to get to the border of Canada.
A word of advice:
If you do plan on making a trip up, and you want to get into the swanky, upscale, metrosexual-infested clubs, make sure that you are dressed at least semi-nice. At the very least, don't wear shorts... I was turned away from one of the downtown clubs because I didn't fit the dress code. Well, I don't wanna go to any club that doesn't think what I wear everyday is cool anyway!
~Just keep truckin'.
That's so sweet you went to Canada! At the end of my senior year, when my friends and I were all 18, we planned a trip to Montreal before we went off to college. We were all busy at the time of the date we were supposed to go up, so we never got around to going there. But I still really want to go! I've only been to Canada once, but that was only to go to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Let's just say, I haven't gotten the Canadian experience yet.
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