I have this theory. A random one. That the temperature I wake up in decides how I feel that day. For example if I wake up warm, the day seems warmer, and if I wake up cold, the day seems cooler. Even when the outside temp does not change. I recognize this does not always apply to my day, so I think of it more as a guideline.
Weird I know, but it got me thinking about how, as individuals, we come up with these theories to explain us to ourselves and soon start to base what we are going to do on these theories. So, we have to decided as individuals if we should keep our theories, knowing they may work for us but they may also limit us, or just go through life not trying to dig deep for the whys and accepting things as they happen. Maybe though the whys are what keep us interested in life. I don't know.
I like your theory. It makes sense. And, you're right. We create theories to justify our actions. Totally true. Side note, is your prof impressed people outside your class comment on your posts??
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