
As some of you might recall, I once wrote a post on cheese, and how american cheese does not count as cheese. Imagine my surprise, horror and intense disappointment when I walked over to all the cheese in the Marche today and saw... that Cabot makes american cheese. I was emotionally wounded. I was feeling tears form in the corners of my eyes.

Ok... so maybe it wasn't that dramatic. But seriously. Seriously? They make american cheese? Why? Why do they have to sully their brand with such a horrible thing. It would be like if monument farms started saying that powdered milk was their preferred type of milk for making chocolate milk. It would be world altering. Life changing.

Ok... so again maybe it wasn't that dramatic. Seriously though, why would they want to make american cheese. They should just focus on cheddar cheese and all the other varieties they make so well.

Avoid the american cheese! It isn't real.


M. Haji Bigman said...

Now, let me begin with saying that I didn't read the previous cheese post. My question is, what is wrong with American cheese? Granted, it is not the best tasting of cheeses, but it is none the less, quite savory.Is it so wrong, if can taste so right?

drrogers said...

Maybe this is a good thing for American Cheese. If you respect Cabot so much then maybe they can make you respect American Cheese. Do you think that all American cheese is bad? Can American cheese be made better? We will find out.

aujwat6 said...

Why isn't American cheese a cheese? I'm confused...I love american cheese, but I also do agree that there are better kinds out there. That's interesting that Cabot actually makes American cheese now.....even though I thought they already did? I'm obviously not a true Vermont I guess....

Melissa Partington said...

I don't know if they made it before or not. I don't like it, so if I see the words American Cheese together I walk away quickly.

Try eating a wide variety of cheese, but no american cheese, see how quickly you agree. You won't be able to go back to the previous thought that american cheese was good.

I will admit I almost bought it because I love cabot cheese, then I ran away from all the cheese so that I wouldn't.