This past weekend my suite had "Early Christmas". It was quite the extravaganza. We planned a whole Secret Santa gift exchange and everything. We planned on staying in ALL day and watching Christmas movies, and then putting on dresses and going to dinner together, but turned out a few girls decided to go snowboarding that day. The four of us who were left went to one of the girls house, her family lives about 15 minutes away. Her mother let us destroy the kitchen, and we each made our own personal pizzas. This one is not mine, mine was just plain cheese, but the picture didn't look that nice so I'll show you guys another girl's pizza. You know you are jealous. You and your roommate don't go flipping pizza pies in your dorm room. Hah.
We came back to campus in time for the 11 oclock showing of The Dark Knight in Billings. Some annoying boys were behind us complaining the whole time saying "the contra
st is off!" "its ruining the effect!" and so on and so forth. Whatever. That movie is not as great as people made it out to be.
Then we headed back to our suite for the party and the other girls were back by then. So, we partied hard. No need for details. Then we all brought our mattresses into the common room to all sleep together in there. I don't think anyone got much sleep, but by the time we woke up, it was "christmas morning", and what is falling from the sky? SNOW! haha. we had a white christmas! atleast i got to have one white christmas this year, in new york we never get one its always rains and turns to slush.
Then, everyone got to go sledding, while I had to go to stupid work. Stupid, stupid work. I still want to go sledding, its on my MUST DO list for before going home after finals
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