a conclusion.

I have recently come to the conclusion that groups of teenage girls, and many times girls that are even into their mid-twenties, when left to their own devices, will do everything in their power to make polite, unassuming, (sometimes hapless) gentlemen, like myself, feel uncomfortable, insecure, and confused. 

I love run-on sentences.

Let me give you an example (of girls being evil; not necessarily of a run-on sentence). Recently, I was cohabiting an area of the gym with two females who working out together. Usually I try to avoid coming into direct contact with females at the gym, for a number or reasons, not the least of which being that I smell like a gym sock, and that the "fairer sex" seems to have a more sensitive collective nasal passage. Alas, I was forced to stand awkwardly close to these two particular "ladies," as they were directly in the way of where I needed to put back the two weights that I had been using. Upon coming into close proximity with said "ladies" their conversation dropped to a whisper, and subsequently ceased. I politely said, "Excuse me, thanks," and deposited the weights in their proper homes. Immediately upon my departure, these two femme fatales began to do a horrible, ear-splitting, brain-numbing thing that shall henceforth be known as "gispering." I call it this because the more logical and sonorous hybrid would have been "wiggling," which, of course, is taken. If you haven't yet figured out what they were doing, it was a hybrid vocal function, somewhere between whispering and giggling. It is not something you want to hear immediately following your departure from a specific place. 

These two deserved to be defenestrated.