My Farewell

So I went-a-counting, and I only have to make one more post. Just one more, and this is it. I guess I am following the trend here, but it is going to be on my final thoughts about the class and blogging. 

I enjoyed this class. I mean, Tuesdays and Thursdays I only had two classes, but knowing that I had english class next made Calculus a little bit less of a drag.  At orientation, the only reason I signed up for the class was because the advisor there helping me really wanted me to take another tuesday/thursday class, and it was the only TAP class listed with a spot left.  The title sounded pretty cool, and I saw that it counted for my english requirement. And I really wanted to take a TAP class. I'm glad I did, because it was nice and small and open and I actually got to hear everyone else's opinions most. It was my only class that wasn't made up of boring lectures two or three times a week. 

In our final class when people were talking about what they liked/disliked, I was surprised to hear how many of you guys never blogged before. I remember back in the 7th grade when everyone had Xanga. Everyday after school we would post about our new lip gloss flavor, or the game we just found on Neopets, or cheat codes we found for the Sims. Those were the days.  I mean, I had my own AOL screename since I was four years old, so I guess I was a little bit ahead of the times...

When I got to this class, I realized I could no longer write posts about lip gloss, games, or gossip about the girls in our class we didn't like. I guess that is one of the reasons it was so tedious to blog every week. There was never something interesting and new to post about every day. In seventh grade, all the girls in our class (basically the audience of my blog) wore lip gloss, played neopets, and the sims, and liked to talk bad about the other girls we didn't like, so there was a common ground.  6 years later in this class, our class never really had a common ground on what we liked reading posts about, so the majority of blogs were filled with funny videos, and our own thoughts. 

I never would have considered anything I read online to be literature. I mean, this blog is certainly not literature.. and my old Xanga from  my junior high days most certainly is not literature... but still, the online stuff that I would consider literature is pretty cool after all. I'm glad I was opened up to this sort of stuff.

Now that the semester is over, I am going to miss this course. All the people in it were great, and so was our professor. To be honest, I think we are all going to see the death of our blogs. I don't think any of us are actually going to continue blogging. Now that its all over, and we never have to do dumb blog tallies again, blogging doesn't seem too bad after all. But I certainly won't be doing it.

Best of Luck to everyone (if there is anyone) actually reading this blog


M. Haji Bigman said...

Farewell, may our blogs rest in pieces. AT least you didn't wait quite as long as I did. But its done, it was fun, but its finally done. Thanks for the good posts.