Haha, so as I was writing my last post, about how I am such a failure that I resorted to writing a paper when I could have done something cool, I was thinking about failing in general. I might possibly fail my biological anthropology final. I will probably just pass my calculus final, but now that I said that I think I will pass I probably jinxed myself and will fail.
I am SUCH a procrastinator that I am THE loser who types random things in on google in hopes of finding something cooler to read. (as you probably found out in my other post about how how i found the hatebook)
I was thinking about failing, and i was thinking about english, and what do i find on google? The english fail blog! a BLOG! one of the major themes of our english class. That itself made me excited that i found it. Besides the fact that a few of them are actually funny.
It is basically a site where people took pictures of signs and stuff with horrible grammar/ spelling. Hence the title "english fail blog" and the subtitle, "user-submitted failpictures of the English language. Now that I think about it, most of these are pretty stupid. I think i only found some of these funny because I am getting slightly delirious thinking about posting and then having to go memorize the names of australopithecines and other pre homind species, the types of teeth they had, and the hill in Africa they were found on.
Anyway, if anyone is actually still reading this long post, or this blog in general now that class is over, have a look at the english fail blog. Not a very good blog, but still better than mine.
noice. sometimes signs make me wonder. like when they put signs to warn you of other signs. like those signs, stop sign ahead. everytime i see one of those i feel a big relief that a stop sign won't be able to pop out of nowhere and make me stop. whew... who knows whats next. signs that warn of the warning signs...
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