
I just got back from getting a quick meal at the dining hall. Yet again I have noticed a serious lack of the utmost importance in our campus dining halls. Cheese. Real cheese.

Some poor misguided souls are under the very mistaken impression they are consuming cheese when they ask for "American Cheese". I am here to tell you that is WRONG. American cheese is basically a square cut from any form of plastic used in our day to day lives. Know that saran wrap you insist on using? Mix it with a little yellow or white rubber. Tada. American cheese.

Real cheese consists of many options. My personal favorite being cheddar cheese. (As long as it is not just plain wimpy cheddar.) I like Cabot extra sharp, hunter seriously sharp, and new york extra sharp. Cabot makes some really good cheese. I also enjoy muenster cheese, swiss cheese, provolone cheese and a wide variety of others.

If you want a list of cheese go here. Sadly, they too are misguided and included American cheese on the list. (Apparently American cheese meets the legal definition of cheese. Aren't we lucky?)

I feel bad for the youth of America who have been raised with this notion of American cheese being a real cheese.

As a side note. Check out Kate Fiano. Actually this is probably a better one to check out. She just released her first CD. Really good. The CD is only ten dollars, if any was wondering.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kudos!

If ever you're in need of some of our cheese and don't have any handy, check out You can get our cheddar (and other varieties) shipped to you.

P.S. You'll probably really dig our Old School Cheddar. It's about as far from wimpy as you can get! :)

Anonymous said...

Oops - sorry for the anon post!