Inanimate Alice...

Maybe it was because I watched it all in a row, or maybe it was the knowledge that I "had" to watch it. By the time I got to the fourth chapter, I was bored. I didn't want to watch anymore. I enjoyed the first three, they were "cute", I almost shudder to use that word, but, it fits.

The fourth one was far too long, too convoluted and boring. I found myself wishing for a fast forward button. Hoping I would be out of my misery soon.

Forcing myself to watch this video only made the watching of it worse, as I felt there was no escaping it with no end in sight. I wish the author had had the foresight to realize making it a little shorter would only have improved the story line.

On the other side. I enjoyed the way the story was done. I liked all the effects it had, I enjoyed the playing around with the text, and the optional side games contained within the stories. I also enjoyed all the pictures employed within the stories, as I felt they made it more interesting. Having to interact at times so that the story could continue was a clever way to ensure the viewer stayed attentive to the story.

Overall, I feel that if they were not viewed all at once in a row, it would be a pleasant experience to watch Inanimate Alice.