
Personally I like to use Skype as a way to stay in contact with my friends and family. Recently while talking with someone (who shall remain undisclosed) I decided I wanted a late night snack and started munching from my bag of pretzels. Now, as I am sure people know, Skype involves webcams so you can video chat with someone. I went to answer a question asked of me, and showed my entire mouthful of food, right in front of the video cam. I received a little lecture, which adds up to:

1. Chew your food with your mouth shut.

2. Put your hand in front of your mouth if you must talk while eating.

3. Swallow fully before talking, or initiating conversation.

4. Do not ever intentionally show your food to someone else.

Now, as I am sure some people are aware. If your nose is really stuffed up, from allergies or a cold, it makes it harder to chew with your mouth fully shut. My problem comes when I need to breathe as well as eat. She was not very understanding. I finally had to give up my pretzel munching until after the chat.

(For the record, normally I have really good manners)


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. So, I know who you're talking about!! Funny stuff! Anyways... I think manners still need to apply in today's technologically advanced world, because if they don't, where does that leave society? Haha.