21 steps

After going through 21 steps in class, two things stuck out for me. One, if I wasn't careful the screen made me feel sick when it was zooming around, and two the story line was a little obvious. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was cute. But that is just it, it was cute, nothing more, nothing less. I was not overly inspired by this to go out and make my own, or even to watch it again and again, to find things I may or may not have missed previously. It was just cute.

I prefer a story line that keeps you guessing up until the very last bit. I once read a story that was written in such a way that the reader kept switching who they thought the murderer was between two sisters. Until the very last chapter when it was all revealed, until then you could guess but could not know. I like books like that, where you have to read every single word and pay attention to every single scene trying to find some hidden clue. When you can skip a page, a paragraph, a chapter, it just does not have the same magical hold over a person, and you can be content with just being the reader in the story.
When a book, or piece of literature forces you to do more then just sit there and contentedly read a little section at a time, that is when you start to find the true master pieces in literature. Until then, it is just cute.


M. Haji Bigman said...

Yeah, at some points the camera was just annoying. Was it really necessary to follow him from one room to the next on google maps? I mean seriously, you cant tell anyways.