Yesterday was a very important day. A momentous day. I have been looking forward to yesterday's events since the beginning of the school year, and maybe even a little before. Last night, I went to THE movie premiere. That's right. I am a Twilight fan. One of those slobbering, screaming, shrieking people. (Maybe more self contained than openly slobbering.)
We showed up last night at nine for the midnight premiere. We hung out in line, talked and basically sat there hitting each other because we were so excited. When we went into the theater we ran so that we could get good seats. (We were really close to the front of the line to begin with.)
When the actual movie started, there was clapping, cheering and general excitement. Then, when the Cullens were first spotted in the movie loud and audible gasps were made throughout the whole theater. Only about half of the people actually were loud when Edward entered, the rest gasped louder, or catcalled.
Now, I don't want to say too much. Yet, I am going to say this. POTENTIAL SPOILER alert. He glittered not sparkled, and he was supposed to sparkle, not glitter. If that is my only complaint, I can't really complain.
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