
So being the procrastinator that I am, i had a long weekend and waited till today to do make sure I have my blog comments done. So i'm commenting blogs and I get off the computer and yadayadaya you know the rest. Then about an hour ago I realize I have to actually email our lovely professor my blogs, and I go onto this blog and go back and back and back until I come to the conclusion that....

 I HAVEN'T ACTUALLY POSTED ANY. AT ALL. IN THE PAST 2 WEEKS. i definitely must have imagined myself doing so.  i posted on the eyes, the diary entries,  the difference when I rewatched meet the lucky ones, and then i posted on how excited i was for halloween to be here. 
thats 4 posts that i apparently imagined myself writing. to think, i thought i actually did something the day it was actually assigned? i guess it was a dream, have you guys ever had those dreams where they felt so real that when you woke up you had to actually stop and realize none it actually happened? 'cuz I have, and I guess this is like that. this really sucks, because I really want to go to sleep. 
I hope you guys feel my pain if you decide to read any of my blogs, because I would much rather be watching tv with my suitemates or shower and get ready for bed, then to try to remember what in hell  i wrote about in those posts from 2 weeks ago that i "imagined myself writing".  I bet he won't even read the blogs I post, because he is probably enjoying whatever he usually enjoys on sunday nights, and then he is gonna get in a nice warm bed while I'm busy hitting myself over the head for having such a vivid imagination.

this may or may not need to count as one of my 4 posts, depending on how silly I feel posting about "how excited I am for halloween to be here!" when halloween has already passed.

either way this post is me ranting.. me ranting like MAD... (i would say no pun here is intended but pun here actually is intended)


AKH said...

I can appreciate that because right now I'm doing the same thing, except with comments! I also remembered a reading quiz that I had to take by tonight about 2 hours ago. My boyfriend came up and visited me this weekend so obviously schoolwork wasn't my main focus this weekend. PLUS I moved rooms today, so I was doing stuff with that too...and I'm sick.

totally agree with you.

Tess said...

Yeah right now I still have to post a blog and do some comments. I had plenty of opportunities to do these this weekend but I waited till the last minute as usual. It feels like yesterday that I promised to myself that I was going to do all of my blog posts on time the next time I had to do them. Haha I guess I'll pretend for now, again, that I'll actually do that in the future.