i forgot to post about "understanding" before I jumped over to meet the lucky ones. jumping back a week, forward a week, then back, I should get with it, shouldnt I?
Its kind of hard to understand understanding, considering its just a picture. of eyes. not much to understand. the eyes are clearly sad eyes, you would think. however, it is a play on words because the eyes are not actually "understanding". i think it is about the point where WE are "understanding" what is going on for him, so when we see the sadness in his eyes, we sympathize.
He is not the one "understanding", we are. get it? well, this is just my take on the matter. at first i thought of it as his eyes being understanding eyes, as he is understanding and accepting the accident, and trying not to take fault, but when i thought about him being full of regret and remorse, we are the ones who are supposed to see this all in him and "understand".
I agree that there isn't a lot to interpret with these eyes. You have to look past the eyes (dreamy as they are?) and remember the story. It really seems crappy that you have to use the story (for lack of a vaguer term) to interpret the eyes rather than an interpretation of the eyes enhancing interpretation. Ben Peek is probably done reading about us, but even so he should know.
He won't care, though. I mean, come on. He's Ben Peek. *blink*
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