warning you all that this is gonna be one of those posts about my day, but it is kind of a rant post, or when you are feeling down about yourself you can just think of how much of a fool i am and instantly feel better. and im predicting right now that this is going to be really long, and have a lot of words.
so being that i just woke up, i decided it to be the perfect time to catch up on missed blogs from our little class break. yeah, i woke up 2 minutes after my anthro class started, looked at my alarm clock, yelled at it for magically forgetting to go off, and then threw it at my roommate's closet. come on, 2 minutes? maybe if it was 5 minutes i would feel better, but when you see that it was only 2 minutes ago it sucks.
NO im not just waking up for the day, i woke up at 7:30 and had two classes, but when i was falling asleep while conjugating verbs in french class, i decided i wanted to take a nap before my last class at 1:25. for some reason, while it is one of my busiest weeks of the semester, i still decide i want to sleep at any random time. yesterday, i didn't even have my first class until 2 so i was pretty much in bed until about noon. decided to go back to my room and take a nap at 6 pm, instead of going to the library to work on 3 chapters of math homework with my friend from that class. i didn't even set an alarm then, i could have slept straight through until the morning, but then i woke up at 9 thankfully in time for dinner, sure the dining halls are closed then but the marche is right downstairs =) so around 10 pm is when i decided to start my homework, if i had done it earlier i could have been going to bed for the night dont you think? or not, because i still have a research paper to work on and a calc test im going to fail. well now i am wide awake, and should be until 6 pm again. and since my whole suite is empty and quiet, it is the perfect setting for me to teach myself derivatives (because i sure didnt learn it in class). and maybe i might not get another 60 on a test.
instead, im probably just going to sit here looking for funny stuff to post about. i will probably feel the need to go to sleep before i work on implicit differentiation derivatives again tonight. because i have no other choice now, the test is tomorrow i cant keep putting it off...
okay, i think this post is long enough now because i am just pissed off and rambling and nobody else is going to read this. im gonna press publish now, and head back over to stumble upon where maybe i might find something cooler for you guys.
WAIT one more rant i just realized
i missed this class today, and i will definitely be missing it again friday because my flight home is at 1. but thats fine because i planned to miss that class in advance. see when you plan to miss a class, its okay, but when you miss a class because you woke up too late for it even though you were sleeping at a time you really didnt even need to be asleep, its pretty sucky. and i bet she did something cool in class today, like show us chimp fossils or something. (not that this is actually cool, its just a horribly boring class called biological anthropology that teaches us we came from chimps. or maybe we didnt. i dont actually remember the specific species name we came from. but every once in a while she decides to do something cool, like let us out early, or show us chimp fossils)
ughhhhh. i never felt bad after missing a class in high school. and in high school attendance actually mattered. college is stupid. ok i am done now. kthxbye.
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